Maggie Raleigh Doyle

I specialize in energetic aesthetics. My work exists at the intersection of the personal and the physical, focusing on the role environment plays in one’s Experience of Reality.

A space is a reflection of its inhabitants. Any environment becomes an external mirror of the internal worlds of its residents. Our stories take shape in the places we occupy. If you look closely, our physical environments are full of metaphors, clues and meanings.

This design practice seeks to unravel the often overlooked physical metaphors embedded in the mundane. It seeks to explore the self through the physical plane. Through the physical act of tending to our homes and belongings we are able to shed layers, rewrite out dated narratives and firmly ground ourselves in the present moment.

An inside, out approach to living well.

How It Works:

  • I approach design from a visionary perspective. I believe your environment and the objects contained inside are able to bridge the gap between the present and the future, between what is and what could be.

  • Don’t fight reality, embrace it. You exist in the here and now for a reason. The only thing you can influence is today. When you create from the present you are able to set ourselves up well for the future, whatever it may hold.

  • This work opens up a dialogue between your environment and you. No one else can tell you what’s being communicated, that is for you to decipher. This work is deeply personal and it exists to bring you into deeper connection with yourself—your nature, your dreams, your magic.